Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Day, Another Headache

So I got up this morning, and at 8:30 started phone calling doctors again. I needed to call one about the blood work order I never received (they were supposed to mail it to me) and another because I just cannot handle how bad these medication side effects have gotten and I cant be drinking coffee just to handle getting out of bed to make my child breakfast.

Called and left a msg for dr #2, and then called dr #1 and got placed on hold. While on hold, Dr #2 called back, so I switched lines to talk to him. By the time I got done talking with him, I switched back to the line I was on hold on - and they were just picking up. So, that was a blessing because I only spent about 20 mins of agony on doctor phone calls. I've had much, much worse days than that!

Dr #1 faxed the blood work to Rob. I got a friend to take me to get it done on Wed so that I dont have to wait until the weekend. Dr #2 wants me to decrease my meds again and follow up with him on Thurs via phone.

So far, no change from reducing the medications. I'm worried my eyes will get even worse now though. Still was "zonked" all day, and literally took a 5 hour nap with my child. No, I'm not bragging. Because I didnt feel rested after. I felt like I had just slept with an elephant sitting on my face. Yes, headache. All day. Ouch.

I coffee'd up though, and got my work done for the day, tonight. I officially asked for a reduction in my work load semi-permanently until this gets worked out better. I just couldn't handle the days where I was getting tons of work anymore. As it is, it's hard for me to get through 30 minutes of dictation, and 40-45 minutes is pushing it (where I set my new daily "limit"). They are very understanding and sweet about it - but, it doesn't make me feel any better. It's not the kind of work ethic I have and it kills me to step down from my responsibilities.

I've been trying to spend more time meditating on the rosary when I get a chance, like right after Joey goes down for a nap and before I fall asleep too. Gives me a little mental peace, at least.

I've also been talking to alot of people with PTC/IH online and getting different perspectives on alot of things I have been wondering about, so its good to talk to people who have BTDT. I also talked to people who have been pregnant with IH and who are pregnant without being in "remission" of the disease, which gives me some peace of mind, too. I just don't like the scare tactics doctors use. And, like I was telling a friend on gtalk today, TO ME, getting pregnant isn't something I control. It's like telling me not to ovulate or get my period. I dont have control over those things. Yeah, I could take a little bit more control of it right now and actually chart, but I just don't need another thing to keep track of right now. So while I really have no desire to be pregnant right now and do agree with the doctors on the premise that it isnt a good idea until my eyes arent actively getting worse, I am having more and more peace knowing that it's in God's hands, not mine.

I've got some funny recent photos of Joey that I need to upload, and I will, as soon as I get the energy to do it. He's a funny kid, even if he does absolutely drive me insane most of the time lately.

In happy non-health related news, Joey chose a bedset for his new room for when we do move. His choice: Robots. Cute stuff!

I desperately want to start packing, but even thinking of lifting a box makes my joints hurt. Maybe this weekend when Rob can help. Looking forward to CST on wednesday, if anything just for more headache relief.

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