Monday, February 22, 2010


I feel like I've been percolating some coffee in my head since the middle of the night last night. Really. I finally just got up because it was just so loud I couldnt sleep anymore.

I have a hard time figuring out what is "big enough" to call the doctor about and what isn't. Like, the fact that I was up half the night because I feel like coffee is brewing in my head/ears? or is that "just part of the disease"? PFfff.

At least today is a tumbles day, so Joey will have fun and get worn out, and hopefully take a good nap afterwards and I can have some quiet (I mean, only coffee percolating time). Haha. Versus, right now, coffee percolating + Joey + dog + tv + dry moving + this annoying noise my fingers make typing... Hmmmmmmm. Yeah only coffee percolating sounds nice.

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