Thursday, February 26, 2015
Emmy Lou's Birth Story
Emily's pregnancy was my hardest pregnancy with severe hyperemesis gravidarum. In my second trimester I was on home health with home IV fluids for hydration and I had a zofran pump in my stomach to help deliver constant nausea medication subcutaneously. Even with this, I still puked multiple times daily and lost about 25% of my body weight.
The day for Emily was due, I had been at my husband's grandma's house cleaning it out and packing things up because after the baby was born we were planning to move in. We finished for the day and went to my inlaws with Ina while Rob and Joey went to help my brother in law with some trash. Around 5pm, I was sitting and nursing Ina and felt like I had to pee, so I got up and walked to the bathroom and as I was walking a felt a familiar "pop". I had a feeling it was my water and ran to the bathroom so I didn't start leaking fluid everywhere. It was definitely my water. I texted my doula and I called rob to tell him that he needed to come back to get me. I called fruitful vine and since I had such a fast labor with Ina, we had decided I'd come in right away if my water broke first even if contractions weren't very strong. Robs grandma was worried I was going to have the baby before Rob got there and thought we should call an ambulance. Rob came and got me and since it was dinner time, Joey and Ina just stayed with my inlaws and we stopped by our house to grab a few things and then went to the birth center. I was only 3 cm dilated, and contractions weren't at all intense. I was walking around and laughing and talking and just hanging out. I layed down for a bit around 9 and after laying down contractions were coming harder and faster and I wanted to get into the bath tub and waiting for it to fill up felt like forever. I labored in the tub for the rest of my labor and Emily was born quickly under water at 11:48pm on Sunday, February 16, just 12 minutes short of being born on her due date. I got out of the tub to birth the placenta and Emily latched on and nursed immediately after birth. I had heavier bleeding than is usual and got medicine to help stop the bleeding, which took longer to help than I liked, but I was thankful that it stopped and I didn't have to transfer. I felt faint the first time I got up, but felt ok within an hour or so and then went home with Rob and Emily. Joey and Ina met their sister Emily for the first time late Monday morning.
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