Friday, April 3, 2015

Inspiring words

Sometimes, the smallest insignificant thing can uplift a hard day and help me get through. The other day, it was actually this email - which is totally just advertising, in a way. But it is truth - and reminded me of what's important.

Dear Jenni,

I hope you are doing well. If you are anything like me there are times when you feel like your head is going to explode. Every room you walk into provides you with another list of things you need to do. The kids are calling, the counters are sticky and.... Oh those blasted crumbs!

When you are having a really tough moment or day ~ even though no one may be there to give you an understanding smile or a hug, please know that you are not alone. All of us mamas have struggles, and this too shall pass.

Just, please, don't beat yourself up.

We know we need to relish this time as a mother, that childhood is one of the most important times we can NEVER GET BACK! And we know that we need to capture it however we can ~ I hope you can find a moment to write down some of the good times and the cute phrases, and/or stick an image to the wall that reminds you of how good it can all be.

I've created some lovely images to remind you of peace and calm, they always help me.

Have a great day!

Love & Sincerely,

Katie m. Berggren ~ Could this moment be yours?

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