Sunday, August 16, 2015

Emily Louise 18 months

Happy 18 months tonight to my sweet Emily Louise! <3

You still fight sleep more than any baby I've ever known.  Eighteen months of sleep fighting screaming anytime it's time for a rest. I do get it, you want to be awake constantly so that you can constantly take in every aspect of your surroundings. Your sleep hygiene has improved ever so slightly in the last two months, but by saying that I mean you sometimes once a week will remember you're a baby and actually take a nap, or you'll wake up only 4 times at night instead of 12. I'm sure one day I'll laugh remembering our years of no sleep together. 

You are about to be a big sister in 3 months, but you really have no idea.  Your baby brother Robin kicks you often when you're laying on my belly, but you either don't notice or you don't want to acknowledge that he's there.

You finally passed 20 lbs recently, but you're still my 4th percentile little tiny spunky girl. You've got balance better than both your older siblings and core strength like people can't believe.  You may be tiny, but you are mighty! You like to exhibit your strength Ina-style, by picking up any object, person, or animal that looks like it may challenge your strength. Small dogs at friends homes are your latest lifting feat that you're so proud of!

Joey and Ina like to call you "M&M" which they got from me calling you Em. But you really do get called a mix of things and you just roll with it.

You don't have many words yet, but you have signs and sounds to make your needs known. Your favorite words to say are dada, cheese, mama, doggy, and "nuh-uh!" You love to play dress up and live for girly dress up shoes and crowns. You also love to draw, especially on yourself!

Your favorite place to be is up in a carrier or snuggling with anyone that will hold you. But when you're snuggled out, you quickly fall right in line with acting like a big kid in all games and play.  You have the appetite of a horse and often eat more at meals than your 8 year old brother. 

You, my Emmy Lou, are my rosary baby.  When you were a newborn and crying and we couldn't calm you, you grasped tightly onto my rosary that I was praying. And you continue to seek and receive such beautiful blessings from our Mama Mary. You play with your chewy rosary that I made you at least daily, and I can almost always distract you for a large part of mass by letting you hold one of my rosaries. You've got a special love for Mary that our family is so blessed by. <3

You do emotions big in every direction and bring much laughter and joy daily to our lives! You, just like all of our children,  reflect Daddy's and my love for you most perfectly. We love you, our Emily Louise!

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