As I lay here snuggling 2 of my 4 kids to sleep, it amazes me to think of everything that has happened in the last year. We have been so blessed and our hearts (and often our arms!) are full.
2015 brought us two sweet babies, our new years 2014 baby who went to God too soon, and the other our sweet miracle baby Robin. As we closed out 2014, Emmy was our little baby! How quickly things change...
Joey is 8, almost 9, and transitioned this year (third grade) from homeschooling into the public school system - at a charter school. It was a big change for him, but it has been a very positive experience for him so far. He loves his school and his teacher, and while I don't love everything, I love that he is happy and learning. He loves to read, especially Magic Treehouse books and anything about Pope Francis, the Catholic Church, or the bible! He's such an energetic sweet affectionate boy. He is an awesome big brother. In May 2015, he made his first communion and he eagerly goes to confession and receives communion often and he inspires Rob and me to do the same. Joey spent his first week away this summer at sleep away camp with the order of the Home of the Mother. When I saw him after the week, his growth in reverence and love for Christ brought me to tears. In 2016, he wants to finish ALL his new Christmas books and learn to play the electric guitar.
Ina is 4, almost 5. She had a Dragon Tales birthday party early in the year that she so graciously shared with her baby sister Emmy. She wants to do all things that Joey does and looks up to him so much! She's my little artist. A day doesn't go by where she isn't covered head to toes in an art project. She also loves to sing and has been learning to play the marimba. These two things translate into: she challenges me daily in patience with artistic messes and original songs that she must sing constantly and loudly! Recently, she mastered riding her bicycle without training wheels! She loves to talk and express herself. Ina also has been a sweet mommy to her pet bunny this year - first Spotlight and now her bunny Kate. She sings to her bunny every morning when she opens her hutch and loves her bunny so much! Her favorite thing about having a new baby brother is when she gets to help feed him mama's milk in a bottle. She says in 2016, she wants to practice painting some more.
Emmy is 22 months. I can't believe she's almost 2! I blinked and had another baby and now she's so big, but not too big for our love. Well, actually she's really little but full of personality! She's tiny at only 23 pounds. She continues to be my highest need child, but she knows we all love her so. She's a Mama's girl, and can often be found hanging from my skirt or leg if she isn't in my arms. She had a big Ascher first "accomplishment" this year: first child to break a bone. She's the do it big type, so she had a summer skull fracture at the pool and then added in a few leg fractures at the park. She's thankfully all healed now. She's had a year full of allergies and rashes that have left many doctors puzzled and we're still searching for answers. Emmy loves doc mcstuffins too thanks to her big sister Ina. She's developed a love for Princess Elsa that is all her own. She calls her "ella" because she cannot pronounce the letter s yet. Confusingly, she also calls Cinderella "ella." She loves to dress up and be extra pretty. Emmy loves to be worn still, as often as can be. I thought she'd be most jealous of the baby nursing, but she actually has more jealously over him being worn. Luckily, that's easily remedied, they can both be worn! She glares suspiciously at most people, but there are certain people she will give a special Emmy smile to.
Robin is just over 2 months and he's my tiny 7 pounds of joy. He loves to snuggle and rest, but he's also often watching and observing all of the action from his siblings around him. Joey and Ina call him "Tiny" as a nickname. Robin loves to smile and coo. He's my sweet rainbow baby. He's my miracle baby and such a strong amazing fighter. We're still healing from his birth, which was full of many surprises. He's my easiest baby by far, even including the extra difficult recovery from his birth. He's got an extra special bond with Daddy that our other babies didn't have this early. Robin brings all of our family great love and joy.
Wow... It really has been quite the year. So many things accomplished, yet so many more that we are in the midst of and moving forward and through every moment, hour, day. Every goal may not always come exactly to fruition how we pictured it, but when it comes to love, we have it made. We are so loved and get to give our love so much, and for that, we are blessed.
This post wouldn't be complete without taking the opportunity for thanks to all of the amazing people in our lives. Thank you for loving and blessing us. The list of love we've received this year is truly endless. I might be able to name everyone on a less sleep deprived mind, but names aren't necessary. Thank you for the love - love during and after my miscarriage, love during Robin's pregnancy and HG, love during my hospitalization with pneumonia, love during Robin's birth and my continued recovery, love for my husband and children when I couldn't be there to love them, love through prayers, love for my pets and my home...
Thank you for the love and allowing us to love you. <3 <3 <3 <3
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