Thursday, March 26, 2015


I am told often by those who are close to me that I am too kind,  too forgiving, too loving.  I truly do not believe there is such a thing as too much of any of these, nor do i think I'm all that excellent at doing any of these. I do try but I'm human. But, there is such a thing as too much hurt, too much deceit, too many lies.

God calls all of us to love, and to love everyone, especially the ones that are hardest to love.

But it is true indeed that chance after chance after chance just increases the hurt. I have long since given up on trying to understand other people's actions, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it), I still love them and expect the best from them.  My bad. Really, my bad.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My beautiful girls

Emmy, my doll baby.

And Ina, my wild child.

The saints have invaded the castle!

We exchanged our peg saints today and my kids are thrilled with the result.  They both have laundry lists of all the catholic peg saints we are painting next.  I guess I need to order more peg dolls!  :)

The saints have totally taken over their play castle.  Naturally.

Art is beautiful.

I've had prints that I've wanted to frame and put on my wall for quite a while of some beautiful mother and child art, in fact the same artist I linked to in a recent blog,  but I haven't because I hadn't found frames yet.  New frames are so expensive. I found a whole bunch of almost matching frames at a thrift shop and it's such a silly thing, but I got to hang these up today and they bring me great happiness.  I might paint the frames, haven't decided, and after I took photos I was feeling a little ocd about my imperfect rushed hanging job. But right now, they are imperfectly perfect and I love to see these on my wall, as they make me smile.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Beautiful painting

I love this painting.  Wish I had the money for it.

I have a few of this artist's prints on my wall and they are all amazingly beautiful. She's so talented.

Happy St. Joseph's Day!

St. Patrick's day has become so crazy mainstream that I bet many do not even know the saint who is being celebrated. However, St. Joseph's Day is just 2 days later (today!) and doesn't get even a fraction of the recognition St. Patrick does and St. Joseph was the earthly father to Jesus!  Thanks to my Grandpa Joe and his catholic faith and Polish heritage, I grew up with more knowledge of St. Joseph than the average kid, and it's still a very important feast day to me. It always reminds me of my Grandpa Joe and how he'd remind us to wear red for the feast day. And of course, my first born also shares this name and St. Joseph is the patron of our parish.

St. Joseph is the patron saint of Poland, which is one reason that my grandpa loved to celebrate this feast day.

I like to celebrate today as father's day, too.  Sure we have the "official" American holiday in June, but today is such a better way to celebrate father's, alongside the ultimate example of a devoted husband and father, Joseph. Happy St. Joseph's Day and happy father's day.  <3

St. Joseph, pray for us. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Little baby not so little

Last weekend we went to Chikfila for lunch.  Joey asked if he could take Emmy down the slide. He does this often in our backyard or at parks.  I told him I wasn't sure how she would respond to the tunnels, but he could try as long as he brought her right back down. There weren't other kids in the play area, so I let him try.  To my shock and surprise, Emmy loved it.  After he put her down, she tried to climb the steps that were almost as big as her so she could go down again.  I can't believe how everyday how much she's grown and changed lately and how strong and independent she is.  She just passed 13 months old 2 days ago. Sweet happy baby.

An army of St. Michael's

Been working on these St. Michael peg dolls for the last couple months.  Putting modpodge on them tonight. I hope that no one in this exchange is expecting perfection, but I'm quite happy with how well my little saints turned out.  I can't wait to exchange them and have many other saints.  :)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The beauty of the Mass

To me, there is simply nothing in life as beautiful as the Mass. I wish I could go to Mass every day! Even a mass that is filled with me up and down and attending to my children's needs, there is still such grace that we receive from attending the sacrifice of the Mass.

Today we had a special mass celebration for our parishes patron saint, St. Joseph. Every reading and prayer and song were done in different languages to incorporate the wide language community St. Joe's offers. All of the priests that ordinarily say the Spanish, Portuguese, and Polish masses joined us, and the bishop came up for the celebration too. I forget that my kids don't get to see the bishop very often.  When I converted to the church I went to a cathedral parish and the bishop was just like any other priest. When Ina saw him before mass, she was completely star struck.  "Who's that?  Isn't his photo on the wall over there?" << I laughed thinking oh, you notice those photos when you're running away from me at mass.  And honestly, as a parent mass was awful for me today.  Potty breaks, tantrums, baby crying, kid injuries, frustration, frustration, frustration.  But inbetween all those moments, it was such a beautiful mass with all the wonder and beauty of all the pomp and circumstance of the Catholic Church.  It was especially neat to see Ina, who hadn't experienced alot beyond our regular mass experience, and her interest. We also had seminarians participate in the mass, two of which are st Joseph's parishioners and heard their call while at mass at our parish. Beautiful.

Our church is losing another wonderful priest to another parish. He will be greatly missed. Fr. Bernadine is such a wonderful holy man and I know he will do great service at the parishes across town that he will be moving to.  St.  Joe's will miss him though! He is so good with babies and kids and has a sweet heart of God. In fact, as they were walking out, he saw Ina's very grumpy frowny mid tantrum face and reached across a few of us to touch her.  <3

A man was taken via ambulance during mass today too. I pray that he is okay and getting the medical care he needs. The sirens and fire truck and ambulance coupled with my already broken down feelings from the beauty of the mass were really overwhelming for me.

There was also a reception at the Cody Center too and there were lots of people going!  we didn't go, but I am sure it was wonderful and blessed. 

Oh, and just for giggles. I almost never wear high heels, but today I felt well enough to wear them.  It would figure that we would sit close (which means FAR WALK to the back), my kids would have to pee or get up 60000000000 times, and my calves are suffering from all that high heel crazy mama ness today!

A very simple thing, going to mass.  But so very complex, too. Mass is beautiful.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Rosaries for Mama Mary

My favorite healthy busy work, making rosaries as gifts. Here are a few that I've made this month:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

intermittent thoughts on my life with PTC

I'm not a person who likes my personal anything to be public on the Internet, and even though I've had this blog for something like ten years there's only a handful of posts on it. I go through phases where I delete almost everything.  So today I was looking back on the very few older posts I have on here and read my post called "PTC Rant" from shortly after I was diagnosed with pseudo tumor cerebri/intracranial hypertension.  This was before it got really bad and I completely lost vision in one eye and most of the peripheral vision in the other.  I was so completely frustrated, but also hurting and completely devastated.  Would I ever be able to see my little boy smile again?  Would I ever be able to have another baby?  And here now, I read that post and think,  wow. I don't know how I survived that.  Oh wait,  I do.  It was God. He gives me strength to have faith in Him and fight for what He calls me to do even when every other aspect of my life is screaming NO!

Ironically - well not irony because I don't really believe in coincidence,  but this is what led to us being blessed with Ina. I remember taking a pregnancy test on my 25th birthday, just in case because I was going in for preoperative testing to possibly get a shunt to help my vision.  I was still on large doses of heavy duty diuretics.  I was told to absolutely avoid pregnancy.  That I could permanently lose my vision, or would likely die in pregnancy due to the intracranial hypertension.  To say I was terrified is an understatement. We were using careful NFP charting to avoid pregnancy until April 2010. I could hardly see anymore and doing very detailed tasks like charting were very hard.  I needed rob to do it. He helped for about a month, but it really frustrated me to lose my ability to do yet another thing. We prayed about it and decided to take a month off from charting and to leave things completely to God. The information we got in all directions from physicians and online research and support groups and so much was so conflicting, and then at the heart and soul of all of it was our faith.  We are devout Catholics, do not believe in using birth control of any kind except NFP with abstinence during fertile times to avoid pregnancy for grave reason.  Considering my risks of pregnancy were more severe blindness and death, we knew we had grave reason. But I'm so glad today that we listened to God and continued to pray for guidance and do our own research.

Truly,  if I hadn't gotten those two little blue lines on my 25th birthday, my last five years would have looked entirely different.  I never really thought about how different it would be until I reread that post. We would likely still be living in fear, me suffering in pain from the medications. I probably would have had at least one brain surgery. Realistically knowing how IH surgeries go, I probably would have had dozens of brain surgeries at this point.  Which may or may not have fixed my vision.  I probably would be physically disabled, and need lots of help with daily living and caring for my son.

The last five years haven't been easy by any stretch, but compare to the harsh reality that I would likely be blind, have had multiple brain surgeries, and not able to see my baby boy or husband or ANYTHING any more is simply a miracle.

When I was hospitalized early this year and they told me they suspected it was a return of my pseudotumor cerebri, all of those scary feelings in that post, they all came flooding back to me. So yes, the last 5 years have been a struggle but not in a brain surgery and blindness way.  And here we are blessed with 2 more sweet children to snuggle and watch them smile and spin and be silly.  And hey, I even get to watch them when they throw temper tantrums and are mad.  But I get to SEE it. I get to see that pregnancy test all those times I've taken them over the years.  I get to see how my girls looked as babies and watch them grow.

When I look back on photos of Joey during those 6 months of blindness, I don't recognize him.  But I know him.  I was there.  I may not have been able to type or even use a phone for a while, but I kept taking photos of him hoping I could one day put my hearing and touch memories together with a visible memory.

Thank God for blessing us with Ina, and for curing my vision along with the blessing of her pregnancy.  I am told I'm in remission, because intracranial hypertension never really goes away.  I hope it doesn't ever come back, but at least I know if it does, my God will bring me through the hurt, frustration, etc.  He is amazing. Rereading that post really just makes me glad that I can see. And for all of the blessings of the last five years, especially those of my babies.  

This is my story that I've told many times, but writing it down, today was the first time.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Novena to St. Joseph starts tomorrow!

Join me in praying the novena to St. Joseph that starts tomorrow...

St. Joseph
Feast Day:  March 19, Novena Dates:  March 10-18
Remember, O most illustrious Patriarch St. Joseph, on the testimony of St. Teresa, thy devoted client, never has it been heard that anyone who invoked thy protection or sought thy mediation has not obtained relief.  In this confidence I come before thee, my loving protector, chaste spouse of Mary, foster-father of the Savior of men and dispenser of the treasures of His Sacred Heart.  Despise not my earnest prayer, but graciously hear and obtain my petition………

(Here mention your request.) 

Let us pray.

O God, Who by Thine ineffable Providence didst vouchsafe to choose St. Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, grant, we beseech Thee, that he whom we venerate as our protector on earth may be our intercessor in Heaven, who livest and reignest forever and ever.  Amen.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Small blessings

I just feel incredibly blessed this last 24 hours.  Some very tiny insignificant things, some huge, some good,  some inbetween... some about me, tear filled, laughter filled.

I can't share details about most of these things, but really, just wanted to say that I am just blessed.